Fiss – Obladis – Wodeturm tower – Kitzschrofenweg trail – Rabuschl – Fiss
Starting point: Latschthayaweg trail
Walking time: 4½ hours
Description: Walk on trail no. 3 (F008) as far as you reach the big crossing just before Wodeturm tower (L027), turn left and go up to the Kitzschrofenweg trail, then sharp left (L032), continue on this trail to Fisser Almweg trail no. 4 (F031) and via Rabuschl (F025) back to Fiss.
Walking time: 4½ hours
Description: Walk on trail no. 3 (F008) as far as you reach the big crossing just before Wodeturm tower (L027), turn left and go up to the Kitzschrofenweg trail, then sharp left (L032), continue on this trail to Fisser Almweg trail no. 4 (F031) and via Rabuschl (F025) back to Fiss.