© Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

La via giusta per una vacanza in famiglia

Come raggiungere Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis


Rehabilitation and closure of the S16 Arlberg Tunnel from 15 April to 22 November 2024

You can find more information on this at www.asfinag.at

Reschen Straße will be closed from 2 to 27 September 2024

Due to construction work, Reschen Straße will be closed in both directions from 8am to 6pm.

Further information can be found at oeamtc.at

In auto

Roma 850 km, durata viaggio: 8 ore ca.
Milano 400 km, durata viaggio: 5 ore ca.
Napoli 1.000 km, durata viaggio: 10 ore ca.
Firenze 550 km, durata viaggio: 6 ore ca.
Genova 530 km, durata viaggio: 6,5 ore ca.
Torino 500 km, durata viaggio: 6 ore ca.

In aereo

Innsbruck (ca. 100 km), Zurigo (ca. 250 km), Monaco di Baviera (ca. 250 km), Friedrichshafen (ca. 180 km), Salisburgo (ca. 270 km). Memmingen (179 km)

Con treno/bus oppure con taxi dall’aeroporto fino a Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis.

In treno

Con il treno fino a Landeck e quindi con l’autobus di linea o il taxi fino a Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis.

Österreichische Bundesbahnen (Ferrovie austriache)
Deutsche Bundesbahnen (Ferrovie tedesche)

Carta tempi di percorrenza Stazione Landeck-Zams

Collegamento autobus

VVT Timetable

Postbus - public transport in Austria

The Scotty-App is the travel planner for the public transport system in Austria and has many useful functions such as real-time updates, live maps, information services and much more.

ÖBB Scotty is free to download for all smartphones, tablets and operating systems.
You can access the Web Portal here.